Nineteenth regular annual meeting of the shareholders

Pursuant to the Art.135 of the Companies Act (Official Gazette of Mne, No. 65/2020,dated from 03.07.2020), Art30 and Art.32 of the Articles of Association of 13 jul-Plantaže ad Podgorica and Decision of the Board of Directors No.5633, dated from the 30th of July, 2020, I convene


On the 4th of September, 2020 (Friday), starting at 11.00 hrs, with the note that the register of the attendance of the shareholders and signing the registration list will be done from 9:00-11:00 hrs in the premises of the company 13 jul-Plantaže, Wine cellar Šipčanik in Podgorica, following the recommendations of the National Co-ordination Body (NKT) for the prevention and against spreading of the contagious diseases, if the epidemiological situation in the country allows it.

 I suggest for the session the following


  1. Adoption of the Annual financial statements and the Operational Report of the company 13 Jul-Plantaže AD for 2019. with the Auditor’s report
  2. Decision-making on the profit distribution for 2019
  3. Selection and appointment of the auditor for 2020
  4. Decision-making on adoption of the Articles of Association
  5. Decision-making on determination of the remuneration for the the members of BoD
  6. Discharge of  the members of the BoD, in accordance with the Law.
  7. The selection of the members of the BoD.

Assembly can make decisions in case of the presence of the shareholders ,owning over 50% out of the total number of shares with the voting right, personally or through the authorised proxies.The authorised proxy encloses the sealed power of attorney. The shareholders’identities are proved by the ID documents.

The Society will obtain the list of the shareholders from the Central Depository Agency two days, at the earliest, prior to holding of the Assembly meeting. Only the shareholders who are on the shareholders’list from the Central Depository Agency on the day of obtaining the list may participate at the Assembly meeting and exercise  shareholders’rights.

The decisions from the suggested agenda shall be adopted by the majority of the votes of the present or represented shareholders or shareholders who voted by the voting sheets,except point 4 for the adoption of which 2/3 majority shall be requested. The total number of the shares of the Society is 179.255.993 ordinary shares with the voting right. All shares of the Society are ordinary and each share gives the right for one vote. During voting on the selection of the members of the BoD of the Society, each share with the voting right gives the number of the votes equal to the number of the members of the BoD, namely 7 votes (cumulative voting).

The documents for the Assembly meeting and the suggestions of the decisions shall be given to the shareholders to have an insight into them at the Administrative building of the Society every working day, 20 days prior to holding the Assembly meeting.



Prof.dr  Veselin Vukotić,handwitten signature